
Setup Event tracking in a few minutes

Use the Playground to quickly generate events for your project. Sprinkle them around and start tracking events right away!

🤗 User signup

Get User details on signup. Useful for figuring out who signed up, what are their details, are they using correct details, etc.

🤗 User signup(expanded)

Get User details on signup, and add action buttons. This is for controlling your signup process.

😊 User login

Show basic user details.

📝 User updated their profile

🥳 User onboarded

🤩 User entered payment details

💸 Payment received

Get notified when someone pays you

🕸️ stripe: webhook received

Get notified when a stripe webhook is received

🚨 stripe: early fraud warning

🤖 server started

Get notified when your server starts, or restarts

🚨 database error

Get notified when your serer is unresponsive

🛒 Product added to cart

🥳 Product purchased

🥳 Product purchased(expanded)

✅ Waitlist user added

🤖 Cronjob ran

🚨 Email sending failed

📋 Contact form submitted

User Shash signed up. Their email is and their id is 269221